The Garden of Union
The Garden of Union
SATB Choir with Piano, approx. duration 4:09
Poetry by Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī.
I drank from the water of life,
And all disease vanished
I entered the garden of union
And I felt no thorns
They say there is a doorway
From heart to heart
But what is the use of a door
When there are no walls?
The king who stole my heart
Sent me a message on a butterfly
It said, “I am yours.”
And a hundred candles burst into flame.
The texts depict a profound depth of intimacy, celebrating a passionate, cleansing oneness, where one's self is absorbed into relationship with the divine and the veil that delineates self or otherness is abandoned. This culminates in an ecstatic dance in The King Who Stole My Heart. This pairing of pieces were originally intended to be performed as a complete set, but they could also be performed independently or fused with other related programming.