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Josh is truly a rising star in choral music. His compositions, his choirs and his teaching..all superb, meaningful, and musical. I met Josh through one of his beautiful compositions, “Lux Beatissima”. My initial listening brought not only tears to my eyes, but also the impression that whoever this “Josh guy” is, he did not write this piece to make money - there must be a greater reason. After meeting him, discussing and performing the piece, I was correct.
The past few years, I have programmed “Lux beatissima” for regional honor choirs in Arizona. One of the highlights of our two days was a Skype clinic with Josh. In each case, his words, sincerity, passion and openness brought a new life into the song and to our overall festival experience. In such a short time he captured the hearts and minds of the students and their directors.
— J. Edmund Hughes, Composer and Adjunct Professor at University of Puget Sound